
Friday, August 31, 2012

Last Day of August

Today is the last day of August, and My day has been in full effect with positivity. I am excited for the month of September. I have many goals that I want to reach this month and although I have failed most of my new year resolution I know I can accomplish everything this month.

My summer started off very negative and all through out the summer I felt worthless, but for September I am breaking that barrier. Although summer is not official over till September 21st, I feel like today my summer has ended..

At times people are afraid to change but change is okay. If you dont change you will never grow. I feel like I have changed in every way, both positive and negative, but those are the things that keep me moving and getting wiser every day.

Summer 2012 was not for me ... Im ready for the rest of the year.


Go after your hopes and dreams. Do that by setting reachable goals. Little by little you can accomplish things. You wake up and work on starting to make those little decisions that will get you closer and closer to those hopes and dreams and reach your goal. And one day you will wake up and say "I did it!" and it feels AMAZING. 

Be a motivation. Motivate yourself because when you start doing that people get inspired and want to start doing the same thing. There is always people watching your good and bad. If you believe in god, I think he works and blesses through people. I believe that everyone has a circle of influence, people that you know, people that you talk to and works  with. These are the people who look at the things you do. 

"Misery love COMPANY" 
Not everyone is going to support your goals and there will always be that person who pushes you back, and you should always expect it when you start out. Negativity with always come at you with your new desire to achieve new things.

Once in a while (well most of the time) you get side tracked from your goals. Its hard to stay on a goal, because somethings we set goal in the wrong way. You CANT just RUN to your goal. It takes time. The best thing to do is to set little things in between to help you achieve and get closer to your goal. ONE LITTE GOAL WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE A BIGGER ONE. 

If you are ever driving down the road and you get a flat tire, do you get out the car and stab the other 3 tires ? NO. You get out your car and FIX that tire and keep heading down the road. Thats the same with goals. If you ever mess up or get off track thats OKAY! just start again the next day. Allow yourself to accept the fact that you did mess up. dont let one day discourage you, just get back up and forgive yourself. Thats the greatest thing about sun rise, you get a chance to start over again. ALWAY REMEMBER THAT "TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE".  

There are little things you can do like write/post post-it notes on your mirrors, read positive books, keep your mind positive and always celebrate your achievements. The more things you do to move towards your goal, the more fire is lit underneath you. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO CELEBRATE THOSE LITTLE VICTORIES!