
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of JULY !

Happy 4th of JULY ! I woke up super late and everyone is out at BBQ's and stuff. But most people here in the Bronx use July 4th as an excuse to get drunk, fuck bitches and do rachet shit. And most of the people who do this are the same hispanics that came here for a better life.. No one really cares about the independence and the meaning of the day, we choose to celebrate in different ways, but lets not judge... we are free people so we can do whatever we like :) .. For today everyone is just getting drunk or eating barbecued food. 

( I really don't have much to say about this day except that I am happy to be here in America, all the oppurtunity and chances we get are amazing, I could of been a poor girl in the middle east, or a sex slave in africa... but I am in AMERICA)