
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hello September ! 

In just a few more weeks we will be in my favorite season, FALL ! I am so over summer, especially this summer. My summer sucked, and I glad school is back in session. For this month I haven't set any goals yet, I am just focusing on being happy during my pregnancy because I have been going through a rough time during this past month. I've also been overly emotional to the point where I feel like exploding because no one understands my hormonal conditions. 
I quit my job this weekend, I wasn't felling comfortable there anymore. I felt like they started taking advantage of my hard work, and as the weeks passed I was getting more disappointed. right now I am focusing more on this school semester, I know I need a job to start saving up for when the baby is here, I am trying to figure out how I am going to juggle work, school and being a mom. I never knew it would be hard. I know I can make it happen one way or the other.  
My main focus this month is being positive ! I am going to be reading a lot more and meditating. I feel like I have had a lot of stress and that is not good for my baby. I am still trying to get adjusted to the criticism my family has. Most of my friends don't know anything yet, I am not ready to go public about it because I have been on the down side about my family not supporting me.  
I pray and hope this month goes well for me. I will try to make the best out of it ! 

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